I've been thinking a lot the last few days about regret. These thoughts didn't just come out of the blue. There is a reason behind it, although I choose not to share that reason at this time. Believe it or not there are some things too personal to broadcast over the internet.
I'd like to say that I don't regret anything. That old saying "I don't regret the things I've done, but those I did not do," yeah I wish I could say that. It's cool (just like Fonzie). It's a sophisticated yet concise way of saying "fuck you. I don't make mistakes. I'm proud of everything I've done, and to hell with you if you can't take it." Okay, maybe it doesn't say all that...but close enough.
The truth is that I do regret some of the things I've done. Many in fact. I don't have enough time or patience to sit here and list all of them, but trust me they're there.
(I hate to get off track here, but I'm not sure that "they're there" is very good writing. Oh well...fuck it.)
Anyway, I guess everyone makes mistakes. With the exception of Jesus that is, but that guy was a shitty carpenter. My problem isn't that I make mistakes. I'm fine with it. God only knows how big my ego would get if I didn't ever err.
My problem is this: most of the mistakes I make directly hurt other people.
And that's what I regret.
I've seen a lot of movies in my life. A lot. More so than I could ever, or more accurately would ever, count. And I've started compiling, in my head, a list of the ten best movies I've ever seen. Not my favorite movies, those go on an entirely different list. I'm talking about the best crafted based on story, dialogue, directing, lighting...the works.
I haven't finished the list, not even close. But I'll let you know as soon as I do.
For now I'll offer you this: Of the IMDB top 250, I have seen 110. Of the bottom 100, I have seen 28.
Do with that what you will.
If anyone ever asks me why I love Renee I will give them this quote. I'm not exactly sure what she said, but it was something along the lines of "it was raining so I was in the mood for a French film."
Oh yeah, that's my girlfriend.
The first section of my next blog entry will be titled "Adam or Anna". I'd like to tell you what that refers to, but I'd hate to ruin the surprise...
I've been thinking a lot the last few days about regret. These thoughts didn't just come out of the blue. There is a reason behind it, although I choose not to share that reason at this time. Believe it or not there are some things too personal to broadcast over the internet.
I'd like to say that I don't regret anything. That old saying "I don't regret the things I've done, but those I did not do," yeah I wish I could say that. It's cool (just like Fonzie). It's a sophisticated yet concise way of saying "fuck you. I don't make mistakes. I'm proud of everything I've done, and to hell with you if you can't take it." Okay, maybe it doesn't say all that...but close enough.
The truth is that I do regret some of the things I've done. Many in fact. I don't have enough time or patience to sit here and list all of them, but trust me they're there.
(I hate to get off track here, but I'm not sure that "they're there" is very good writing. Oh well...fuck it.)
Anyway, I guess everyone makes mistakes. With the exception of Jesus that is, but that guy was a shitty carpenter. My problem isn't that I make mistakes. I'm fine with it. God only knows how big my ego would get if I didn't ever err.
My problem is this: most of the mistakes I make directly hurt other people.
And that's what I regret.
I've seen a lot of movies in my life. A lot. More so than I could ever, or more accurately would ever, count. And I've started compiling, in my head, a list of the ten best movies I've ever seen. Not my favorite movies, those go on an entirely different list. I'm talking about the best crafted based on story, dialogue, directing, lighting...the works.
I haven't finished the list, not even close. But I'll let you know as soon as I do.
For now I'll offer you this: Of the IMDB top 250, I have seen 110. Of the bottom 100, I have seen 28.
Do with that what you will.
If anyone ever asks me why I love Renee I will give them this quote. I'm not exactly sure what she said, but it was something along the lines of "it was raining so I was in the mood for a French film."
Oh yeah, that's my girlfriend.
The first section of my next blog entry will be titled "Adam or Anna". I'd like to tell you what that refers to, but I'd hate to ruin the surprise...